I love cats and quilts.... and my cats love quilts too!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Bzz Bzz Busy!

Sewed this weeks pinwheels from ps i quilt's pinwheel quiltalong last night. They turned out okay. The centers were a tiny bit off but not so much as to bug me too much.

Today was spent mostly running around doing errands so no sewing. I have one day a week to go out and get everything done. It helps us save money on gas. I am a big couponer, so Tuesdays is my day to get all the free stuff from the drugstores. (Today I got 8 toothbrushes and 4 boxes of Raisin bran for $1.00) I also hit JoAnn's today. They are having coupon madness this week! Alot of the sewing notions are 50% off. I have been needing a new rotary cutter blade for a while, but kept making mine stretch. I was able to get a new one today half off. I did buy some more Kona cotton in the two colors for my pinwheels (again 50%) off. I also picked up 4 new stencils for machine quilting, hand sewing needles, a bigger handle seam ripper, (I have bad hands, hard for me to hold small things) marking pens, and some quilt clamps (all 50% off!). I have been making do for awhile waiting on a good sale.
The cat bed has been a huge hit! I just left it on the table next to my machine as I sew and it keeps the kitties off my pieces. Sunshine laid initial claim to it....

But Jake wanted it and after much posturing and hissing, he bulldozed his way on it. He weighs 20 pounds so he just lowers his head and pushes wee Sunshine out of the way. He bears a few scars from her wrath, but not enough to keep him from napping.

As I posted in one of my initial blog posts, I don't have a sewing room yet. So the kitchen table is my place for right now. Greg is still out of town, so it has been very easy this week to just leave everything out. When he is home I have to put everything away and clean/disinfect (I am wierd, I allow my cats free range, but I clean every surface they get on before food hits it) the table for supper. I dream daily of the junk filled room and hope it will one day be emptied and mine to have a sewing room.....
Happy Quilting!


  1. Your pinwheel QA blocks look great, I love the fabric. It sure is fun to see every ones blocks come along! ♥

  2. The pinwheels look awesome! I also love the kitty bed, and I am really thinking of making one for my kitty, though will she sleep on it is another matter. I, too, dream of having my own craft room - maybe some day it will happen!

  3. Thanks so much for the kind comments! I appreciate you guys stopping by!

    Happy Quilting!

  4. Love your pictures of the cats. We have a Sunshine much like yours. He is a real love.
