I love cats and quilts.... and my cats love quilts too!

Friday, March 5, 2010

Whew! Finished!

I worked all week on them and finally got the two "Quilts for Kids" quilts finished! In my defense, Greg left on a unexpected business trip and I have had to juggle everything all week.

I felt much more confident machine quilting these two. I did a simple cable stencil on the boy's....

and a flower pattern in the 4-block of the girl's. I just couldn't bring myself to stitch up the pretty butterfly material, so I just stitched in the ditch around each block

I still have a long way to go to get machine quilting down. Each quilt has been a big learning experience. Tomorrow will be getting the labels on, and then on to my next project. I hope to have these three little quilts on their way in the mail Monday.

Happy Quilting!



  1. What lucky kids to get these wonderful quilts!!
    Great job.They are so sweet!

  2. The quilts look amazing, Cindy!

  3. Thank you for the kind comments! You made my morning!

  4. You're sure going to make a couple little ones smile when they get these two lovelies.
