I love cats and quilts.... and my cats love quilts too!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


(Jake squeezing his 20 pound body in my fabric shoebox)
That has been the theme for the last three days. I have been slowly sewing on my leader-ender quilt for the last 2 weeks. I had a shoebox full of the blocks. I decided to stop and start sorting them out to make the bigger blocks. I "thought" I had been randomly sewing all the scrap 2 inch blocks together. When I laid them out I found out there was too much order in my randomness. (isn't there some theory about order happening in choas??) So out came "Jack" the ripper and we started unsewing all the parts that were repeats (which was a lot!).

When I got the randomness of the pattern I wanted, I started building the blocks. (Day 2) When I got 18 of the larger blocks together, on a whim I decided to lay them out to see if I like the look. Sigh, I hated it....... out came "Jack" again.....blah!

So after 3 days of ripping, rearranging, and re-sewing, I am back where I was at the beginning. So I learned an important lesson about leader-ender's. Have a plan! I thought because I had made a similar quilt before I could just wing it. I learned that I need to lay out the pieces that I will be leading and ending with so you can see the pattern or repeats (if scrappy).
Happy Quilting!


  1. That sounds like a great idea - to have a plan. Especially with those quilts where you have so many fabrics, colors, patterns... I'm sorry you had to spend three days ripping seams and then re-arranging everything - but I am sure it will be a great quilt in the end and can't wait to see it!

  2. LOL, who said you don't have to have a plan anyways? LOL

    Well, to be honest, the only plans I ever make is when I want to hit more than one quilt shop ...LOL

  3. Hehe, unfortunately I am not one of those free thinking, quick on my feet to re-adjust people. I wish I were. I envy people who can take items that are screwy and make them into works of art. Me, I have to have a pattern to follow.

    Thanks for stopping by!
    Happy Quilting!
