I love cats and quilts.... and my cats love quilts too!

Friday, April 30, 2010

As my sewing came to a screeching halt....

I am still alive! Yep.... just no sewing at all to share. I have mentioned before I am big into couponing. It helps me stay at home and not work, and still have money to buy fabric. Well this week our grocery store, Harris Teeter, is having triple coupons. So my week has been spent rounding up, clipping, printing, organizing and getting up early to go get the freebies. It has been a fantastic week for the bargains! So far I am up to $380 dollars of groceries for $6.54! I still have enough coupons for one more run tomorrow. It also was a fantastic week for the freebies at Walgreen's and CVS. I have gotten over $100 dollars worth of stuff for about $6.00.

I doubt I will get much sewing done next week also. I need to make a trip to Florida to take my mom some of the goodies I have been accumulating from couponing. Not only does couponing help me, but it helps my mom who lives on a very tiny fixed income. In truth I don't know how she does it; living on such a pittance that the social security sends her.

Just wanted to post an update!

Happy Quilting!

Friday, April 23, 2010

block eight

Spent all day working on these two blocks. I chose the "All Hallowed Variation" block from p.s. i quilt's list. I love, LOVE how this block looks and I may revisit this block down the road and do an entire quilt out of it. If I do I will use thangles to do all the half square triangles. I have to admit it was very nit nerdy to do and was a pain to get all the lines and points right, but it is such a gorgeous block.

I only plan on doing one more block in each colorway. I should be able to complete the 9th block this weekend. I am making two lapsize quilts out of the 9 sampler blocks.

Sunshine had to hop up for a photo op! Such a ham!
Happy Quilting!

Block 7 done!

Finished these two last night before supper. I have to say I love these two blocks! They went together so easily and I love the way it looks. p.s. i quilt's measurements were spot on. Now to pick a block to do for block 8 today.

I forgot to post about these finds yesterday. While at JoAnn's I fell in love with the striped fabric and bought the two coordinating browns to go with. The brown on the left is for the fabric I posted yesterday to make a tote with. I may also attempt a tote made out of the stiped and other brown if the first one turns out okay.
Ok off to sew on block 8!
Happy Quilting!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Catching up

Finished Pinwheel block six from p.s. i quilt's pinwheel quilt-along. I am now 3 blocks behind plus the one's I want to make that are different. Hopefully I can catch up this week.
Isn't this fabric yummy!?!? I found it at Loving Stitches for $1.50 a fat quarter! It is a bit more teal blue than shows in this picture. I have been wanting to try a tote bag pattern and I think this will be perfect to use to make one. Now to find a easy tote bag pattern.....
I stopped by JoAnn's because I needed a couple things and I had some 50% off coupons that I wanted to use up. I found this cute sewing basket in the clearance section. Guess how much it was!?!?

Yup! It was .97 cents!!! It is a pretty good size too! I was doing a "happy dance" when I checked out!
Ok! I am off to work on block seven!
Happy Quilting!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I'm back!

Well technically we have been back since last Thursday, but I was recovering from a nasty, nasty, (seriously nasty!) cold that my dear sweet hubby decided to share with me. This picture is of my handsome son! He is now a pilot in the Air Force! (and a jet jock to boot!)

He seemed to really like the quilts I made him! I also made him a small photo album with pictures of the quilts throughout the creative process. I included small swatches of the fabrics I used and where each piece came from. He sat and spent a lot of time looking at each photo and swatches and laughed as he remembered each item of clothing that the pieces came from. He seemed especially touched that I had included pieces of cloth that his Momma Soon Ohk had used to make her doll clothes with. He would look at each swatch and then find the piece in the quilt. I was so happy he liked the quilts.

I have done hardly any sewing since our return. Mostly just slept and rested. I did go and pick my "Baby" up from the doctor. I had my Bernina serviced whilst we were away and the serviceman gave her a clean bill of health! So hopefully now that I am starting to feel better I can get back into the flow of sewing!

Happy Quilting!


Thursday, April 1, 2010

Two finishes! (last post for a few weeks)

The gentleman I used to do my longarm quilting really let me down by taking forever to get these two quilts back to me. I told him I had a deadline, but for some reason my quilts kept getting pushed back on his list. I am not happy.... on top of that he changed the pattern in the border of my son's shaded 9-patch without talking to me. I am not crazy about it, but I didn't have any options considering I am leaving Saturday for Texas and he only gave them to me Tuesday night...... not happy at all.
So, for the last two days I have been working hard trying to get them finished and also trying to get ready for our trip. I have a bad hand so it is hard for me to do non stop hand sewing. So now I can hardly close my fist, and I am popping Motrin like crazy. Sigh...
On a positive note, I am so excited about our trip and getting to see our son! I hope he likes these two quilts!
I will not be posting for a while as our internet access will be spotty.
Happy Quilting!