I love cats and quilts.... and my cats love quilts too!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Sewing Frenzy!

Finished the blue pinwheel sampler today! I have been so productive the last few weeks! I really love how this turned out!!

I got "The Wave" turned into the longarm quilter today and she gave me some great news! She had finished my sister-in-law's pinwheel sampler.

I just love how this looks! Now to get the binding on it before Christmas! Thinking of doing a scrappy binding. Here is a closeup of the quilting she did.

I love how it looks like the wind is swirling around the pinwheels! So now I am almost completely caught up so I can begin the "Oh My Stars" quilt-along after Christmas!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Today I "Occupied" my sewing room!

I just loved the whole concept behind Cat Patch's "Occupy your sewing room" idea! Well I have spent the last two days firmly ensconced in mine! I just finished "The Wave" flimsy!

I just love the way this turned out. My hubby is tickled pink with it too! I still need to satin stitch around the stars, but I didn't have a gold thread that matched. I have to run to JoAnn's tomorrow anyway for batting, so will just pick it up then. Shouldn't take me long to stitch around the stars. Am hoping to have it done so I can turn it into the long-armer on Monday.

Remember the Pinwheel sampler that p.s. i quilt did back at the first of the year. Well, I finally got the last few blocks completed last week for both my sister-in-law's and my quilt **blush**. I finished her flimsy last week and thought I had snapped a picture of it before I turned into the long-armer, but alas no. I started putting the sashing on mine today and should have that flimsy done tomorrow also. I will post pics then.

I hope you all are able to "Occupy" your sewing rooms at this busy time of year!

Happy Quilting!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"Oh My Stars" quilt-along

So I decided having 4 quilts in progress isn't enough, I need one more! I have decided to partake in Thought and Found's quilt-along. Here are my fabrics I have chosen to use for my stars.

It is from the "Summer Breeze" line from Moda. I have wanted a blue and yellow quilt for a long time and this pattern really lends itself to one. I picked a nice crisp white Kona cotton for my background.

I won't let myself start yet until I finish "The Wave" quilt. I should have that flimsy done by this weekend. Then I can dive into all this blue and yellow yummie-ness!

Happy Quilting!

Monday, December 5, 2011

4th of July at Christmas!

I mean if you can have Christmas in July, why can't you have it the other way around??? I still need to add one more inner border and the outer border, plus the applique stars.

I found this quilt pattern at my LQS Loving Stitches. It is called "The Wave" by The Sweet Tea Girls. I fell in love with it and immediately thought of making it for my hubby. I have sewed alot of quilts but have never found anything I thought suited him, until I saw this pattern.

Hehe, going to try this blogging thing again. I have been MIA since March. I completely went into a quilting funk... you know what I mean? I just couldn't seem to get creative for about 4 months. I would sew now and again, but nothing really productive. But about two weeks ago I had a fire lit under me (as my Momma says). I have been working on multible quilts at the same time. I finished a lap size flimsy for my sister in law and have been steadily working on my postage stamp quilt. I will post more on those later.

Happy Quilting!