I love cats and quilts.... and my cats love quilts too!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Today I "Occupied" my sewing room!

I just loved the whole concept behind Cat Patch's "Occupy your sewing room" idea! Well I have spent the last two days firmly ensconced in mine! I just finished "The Wave" flimsy!

I just love the way this turned out. My hubby is tickled pink with it too! I still need to satin stitch around the stars, but I didn't have a gold thread that matched. I have to run to JoAnn's tomorrow anyway for batting, so will just pick it up then. Shouldn't take me long to stitch around the stars. Am hoping to have it done so I can turn it into the long-armer on Monday.

Remember the Pinwheel sampler that p.s. i quilt did back at the first of the year. Well, I finally got the last few blocks completed last week for both my sister-in-law's and my quilt **blush**. I finished her flimsy last week and thought I had snapped a picture of it before I turned into the long-armer, but alas no. I started putting the sashing on mine today and should have that flimsy done tomorrow also. I will post pics then.

I hope you all are able to "Occupy" your sewing rooms at this busy time of year!

Happy Quilting!


  1. Cindy, this is really beautiful! :)

  2. I really love your 'wave' quilt - just awesome. It sounds like you got a lot done. Congratulations and thank you for sharing.

  3. Too funny, I just finished a quilt from "PS I Quilt", myself. You did a great job!

  4. Looking good...now your almost ready to start the Oh My Star's QAL!

  5. I love it. Red White and Blue quilts are always very special for me!

  6. I love the effect on your quilt, very nicely done! Great job getting your last few blocks completed; it's okay that it took time, no reason to feel bad. Many of my WIP are way beyond a year old! lol.

  7. Hey, I really love your quilt! It's sparking ideas for a design I've been working up in my mind for my cousin and his bride. And kudos for getting those pinwheel blocks finished. :)

  8. Hello Cindy,

    What a great project, love it.
    Happy days.
