I love cats and quilts.... and my cats love quilts too!

Saturday, December 1, 2012

"Easy Street" Step 2.... DONE!!!!

                                                                       127 to go!

After sewing for 8 hours I finished them all! I started out just saying to myself that I would just get the strips cut out, then I thought that I would just get the shapes cut out...... and it kept going until I finished them! I was one tired sewer last night! I have two very large quilts that are Christmas gifts that I want to get the binding finished on this weekend so I wanted to knock out as much on the mystery quilt as I could.

Isn't it amazing that no matter how hard you try to keep things random there is always order that comes out of the chaos?? Every scrap quilt I have done has at least one piece that works out this way. I just leave them that way and put them in the quilt. Somehow I think Bonnie would approve! Down the road some one will notice that wierd block and think either one of two things. They may cluck their tongues and say, "Oh isn't it a shame that quilter missed that the fabric was the same..." or they may just say, "Oh I love how that quilter was so free and wonky she didn't care!"

I want my quilts to be one of a kind expressions of ME! I am a bit wonky! Off to get these bindings done so I can post pics!

Happy Quilting!


  1. The geese are looking good and I love that swirly black/white fabric. Who cares that one of the units has the same fabrics? It probably won't even show up in the finished top.
